Sunday, October 21, 2018

Advantage of Ductless Heating System

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Benefits of Ductless For Heating System Replacement

Old heating system is not convenient to use anymore, and because of its system condition it won’t give you enough comfort. Also it demands more repair and eat up a huge amount of your monthly bill. Experts say it’s more practical to purchase a new heating system. However, if you are not sure what will be the right heating replacement, then you better go ductless! Not sure about how it works? Call Leipart Heating and Cooling to provide you more information about ductless system. You can also check out these tips on how ductless system works.

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That’s right: heating ­and cooling

ductless-heating-and-cooling-auroraDuctless systems are also known as ductless mini split heat pumps. Like all heat pumps, they can work as both an air conditioner and a heater. You only have to make a simple adjustment to change your heat pump over from one mode to the other.

Great for remodeling and add-on rooms

One of the reasons that people consider installing a ductless heating and cooling system is because they’re planning home remodeling. Ductless systems are very flexible because they don’t require extensive ducts and can be easily placed in most rooms of the house. For add-on rooms, they are ideal since they won’t lead to an imbalance in the rest of the HVAC system.

Improved indoor air quality

If you’re worried about the air in your home because there are people with asthma or sensitive allergies among your household, then going with a ductless system is a smart choice. Without ducts that collect dust, dirt, lint, dander, etc., you will eliminate a major source for allergens in your house.


Ductless system is indeed a smart choice. Its flexibility best suits for family with little kids as you can put it anywhere around your house, it also has a great advantage when it comes to you and your family’s health. You can check out below how this heating system works amazingly without a duct. Add this information for you to convince yourself that it is indeed a great choice.

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Ductless heating systems have gained a lot of traction in the residential sector over recent years. While ductless mini splits have long been commonly used in commercial settings, homeowners have started to learn of the many benefits that they have to offer, as well. If you are uncertain of how a ductless heating system works, or if you’ve never even heard of this worthwhile heating option, read the following information.

You may think that using a boiler system, or even a fireplace, is your only option if you don’t want to use air ducts in your home. This is not the case. You can still enjoy the prompt and effective heating that forced air allows for, without the need for a single air duct in your home. Ductless mini splits feature an outdoor unit, much like those in a traditional heat pump system—and ductless heating systems do use heat pump technology—and this unit can support up to four blowers within the house. These blowers connect to the outdoor unit via power, refrigerant, and any necessary drainage lines. The refrigerant in the unit outside absorbs heat from the air. That refrigerant is further compressed, and it travels to the blowers, which use its thermal energy to heat air that they blow directly into the rooms in which they are installed.

Why Opt for Ductless Heating

cj-heating-and-air-repair2Not only does the heat transfer process used by heat pumps allow for the very efficient heating of one’s home, but the ductless aspect of this system itself offers a few benefits as well. First of all, you won’t have to worry about leaky ductwork leading to a drop in energy efficiency. Additionally, leaky ductwork won’t be able to allow pollutants into the system, only to spread them throughout the house, since there is no ductwork that can leak. To schedule ductless heating services with professionals that you can count on, simply dial our number.


In addition to this short and concise way of how the ductless system works are reasons that will help you, save in the long run. Check it out.

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Whole-Home Heating and Cooling

If you don’t have a central heating and air conditioning system, this is probably the major appeal of getting a ductless AC and heating system. Blower units mount high up in the wall or on the ceilings, sending air directly into the room. You’ll have an outdoor unit, too, but the inside and outside components connect with a simple renovation, a small hole in the wall to connect them with a refrigerant line.

Zone Control

This feature may make your neighbors with standard central AC and heating systems a bit jealous. Built-in zone control allows you the ability to keep each room or zone at a different temperature, if you wish. If one family member prefers a cooler temperature than everyone else, they can retreat to a bedroom and set the thermostat to their preferred setting without affecting the rest of the house.

Long-Term Savings

Finally, you’ll save more in the long run with a ductless system than you would running individual window units in each room. These cost a lot of energy to operate, and they usually have trouble getting the home to an acceptable temperature. What you save in the long term matters more than this initial cost, as it is likely to offset that starting price tag.


Clearly, the reasons to go ductless are convincing. It’s cost-effective and will save you money, and who doesn’t want to save money? You know what will be your next step, call experts heating and repair services in Aurora and ask them you want ductless for your heating system replacement.



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